
Πρώτο Βραβείο στον Διαγωνισμό του ΔΕΛΑΣΑΛ
"Συγγραφή Ιστορίας" 
από τη χαρισματική Δήμητρα Μαραγκού
και την υπέροχη δασκάλα της, Ιωάννα Τζόλα.

Three months ago I went for the weekend to my grandparents’ house which is situated in the heart of a beautiful forest. Every time I go there, my grandpa and I go for a walk in the forest to breathe fresh air , water the plants and trees, listen to birds’ beautiful singing and feed the animals that live there.

One morning, aw I was walking with my grandpa, I saw a ball behind a tree. We went close to it but we saw a different kind of ball… It was colourful and there were a lot of buttons on it. I, immediately, took it and tried to push one of its mysterious buttons which , to our amazement, took us to the future , thirty years later.

The first thing that we saw was an animal that showed up in front of us. It was poor and dirty as there was rubbish stuck on its body and its fur was black because of pollution. It approached us and we started running as far as we could to get away from it. However, the animal seemed to be trying to tell us something and it was obvious that it needed our help. We, finally, stopped, out of breath and the animal came even closer to talk to us. “ The ball is a timer”, it said. “ you are in year 2050”. What you can see around the forest is due to the negligence and irresponsibility of the people , which led to this nasty view. There aren’t any animals, birds, trees or flowers here. There are only factories and smog”.

My grandpa and I felt so disappointed and angry! For that reason, we gathered local people and the community and asked them to support us in an attempt to clean up the whole area and they willingly accepted to help us. We also decided to go on a tree planting expedition in the forest and its surrounding area. We awakened them to the importance of recycling waste and the significance of reducing household waste as well as using renewable energy sources such as solar energy. After months of serious effort, our goal was achieved and the forest was unrecognizable, so we were ready to get back to present.

I pressed the same colourful button and within one minute my grandpa and I were taken back to 2020! What we saw was so delightful this time! I quickly went back home and I excitedly told my grandma and my parents about that amazing experience. I can’t wait to tell my class about that too so that even more people become aware of the problem of pollution and that all of us can become part of the solution to this serious problem.

Ο Αθανάσιος Λαναράς από το ΣΤ2 



τον ιό

με απολύμανση.

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